Mill Creek Post & Beam created this timber frame home that was constructed by Fine Built Homes. Full scope of landscape architectural services included all construction documents for grading, drainage, and storm water filtration, full terrace and pavement design, landscape design using an ecosystem approach, and construction observation.
Broadbooks Associates worked with the owner from the start performing site analysis and schematic design to identify the optimum building position for views and ease of construction on this ridge site at 3,600 feet elevation. Intended as a gathering place for a family spread far and wide, the garden was planned as an extension of the screened porch to connect indoor and outdoor spaces. Garden details included a planting amid large boulders for climbing by grandchildren with the largest named “king of the hill”.
Surprisingly, this CEO has a love for gardens and plants, and has since elaborated to create a lush garden using a strictly controlled plant palette guided by community design guidelines. The fire pit is sunken below grade approximately 12” and oriented to Black Rock Mountain in the Black Balsams range. Stone terrace constructed of Tennessee Crab Orchard stone and dry-laid with no mortar utilizing earth-toned ‘Nolichucky’ stone in joints and setting bed to facilitate storm water filtration.